darkchocolate; whitechocolate

moving back..
May 14, 2011, 9:54 pm
Filed under: missingray

Okay, I am not fickle minded. Moved back to WordPress as I really can’t get used to the Tagging system by Onsugar. But here at WordPress, oh mans, I don’t really like the Tag-Cloud (looks really messy). Sigh, still can’t find a perfect place to blog..

jotting down before i forget..
May 6, 2011, 6:38 am
Filed under: missingray

as i grow older, my memory power decreases

so this is where me will jot down my buys, when i start using which product etc! :)

and also, soon, there will be a time difference between us. you will then be able to know what I did 14 hours ago!

❥ love

dark&whitechocolates onsugar
February 28, 2011, 5:09 am
Filed under: missingray | Tags:

layering dark&white chocolate onsugar

try it :P lol


perhaps i should take up engeerlish lessons instead of knitting. haha. ~just use M Words!~

an exciting weekend
February 20, 2011, 2:17 pm
Filed under: missingray | Tags:

I’ve never felt as stressed as this before. I am not stressed during the process but at the end of it. A job which I never ever thought I could be qualified. I guessed the interviewers got stamp stuck onto their eyes. Lol.

I went through the 5 rounds (or isit 7?) of interviews (you might have guessed it already). And while waiting for the results after every round, I asked myself “do I really want this job?” My boyf, dad, bro were all :S about it.

A brief outline of what had happened. The full copy was sent to my BFF. I hope she can get through the next time round! So I’m going to keep it till she gets through. :P

We were the first group to meet the Round 1 interviewers. 4 got through the first round, which can be considered alot. I have heard many stories that only 1/2 go through. For some, the entire group got boot out.

Round 2 Room 1, the 4 of us went into the room together, but one girl went missing after that, I think she didn’t make it through the height test.

Round 2 Room 2, one of the girls started to conceal the scars on her arm while waiting for her turn. I thought this was an easy round to pass but I was wrong. Chances of getting kicked out of this round is kinda high too.

Round 4,  its okay to lose ;)

Round 5, another round of interview (1-1)

Day 2..

Round 6, another round of interview, in groups

Round 7, that’s when I put on the uniform! The friend I met during the interview was given a 2nd chance to try on the uniform again. Lucky she passed! (:

A few tips to share for those who are interested!

Smile smile smile!

Natural makeup will do (:

Relax and have fun!

My First Masterpiece
August 18, 2010, 3:04 am
Filed under: missingray | Tags:

Always wanted to learn knitting so i picked it up during this summer holidays :) My beloved boyfriend doesnt believe that I am capable of doing such stuff so to prove him wrong, I learnt it secretly!! :P wahaha I was browsing thru the forum on Pets & Pastime on doggies and I chanced upon the Kintting thread! And coincidently, my fellow internship friend just picked kintting up too! She was learning it in the community centre. So she recommended me to this shop in Chinatown to get the needles (only the needles!!) When i was there, i got really eggcited when i see all the colorful yarns! And……shetz! kana cheated T.T Okay, I do agree that starting with a scarf will e good to pick up the basic knitting skills. BUT! the yarn she recommended me was superrr ex!! :(( good quality thou..so I started off with the scarf (for my mum since i dont use such stuff and my mum travels ard so yaa).. But! thats not the main thing that i wanna do! My aim was to make something for Shermz! so after i got the hang of kintting and studied the pattern and learnt the troubleshooting methods, I went down again and insisted that I wanna make a beanie!! I NEED to finish this assignment asap cos Sherm is getting too :@ at me for not replying his messages >..< haha and me wanna sign up for lessons at cc too! tadahh!! :D looks like C patient :xx shall go Zhuhai and pig up some other color and try again! another pattern

shopaholic :(
June 26, 2009, 8:42 am
Filed under: missingray | Tags: , ,

“Is your closet overflowing with never-worn clothing, the price tags still waving in the breeze? Is your attic bulging with boxes and boxes of shoes that have never touched pavement? Do you buy new makeup weekly or compact discs by the fistful?” Fits me TOTALLY :( first i was a computer addict, or rather, a forum addict. now, im a shopaholic :( my piggy bank is crying, my piggy pipi (aka Mr Seet) is crying >.< howhowhow??? helphelphelp!!! :(

May 7, 2009, 2:17 pm
Filed under: missingray | Tags:

♥ Sherman ♥ Cosmetics (Blushes, Lippies, Eyeshadows.. but not using them! hah.) ♥ Skincare! (Everyone must love sunblock-ing cos its super duper super important!) ♥ previously from: xxrrox.blogspot blacktillwhite.livejournal ♥ Forever 18 :)